The Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) - Zamboanga Sibugay National ID Registration Team participated in the launch of the Smart Villages Smart Islands (SVSI) program, held on 08 November 2024, at the Municipal Covered Court in Solar, Olutanga, Zamboanga Sibugay. The event, spearheaded by the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT), marks a significant milestone in the government's efforts to digitally transform rural communities. Through this initiative, DICT aims to improve connectivity, digital literacy, and access to a wide range of digital services that will empower citizens and boost local development.
As part of the PSA’s ongoing commitment to ensuring efficient and accessible services for all Filipinos, the National ID Team offered several National ID services during the event, including National ID registration, same-day issuance of National IDs in paper form, Transaction Reference Number (TRN) retrieval for lost transaction slips, Digital National ID assistance, and replacement requests for peeled-off photos in National ID cards. The team also addressed queries regarding delays in the delivery of the National ID cards.
During the event, Ms. Cheryl C. Ortega, Regional Director of DICT Regional Office IX and BASULTA, delivered an inspiring message highlighting the transformative power of the Digital National ID and its integration with the eGovPH App. She emphasized the government’s efforts to enhance digital governance, which empowers citizens by providing easier access to public services and streamlining government transactions.

The PSA’s active participation in the SVSI event is a testament to the agency's dedication to the principles of inclusive and efficient public service. Through the National ID program and other initiatives, the government is taking significant steps toward improving access to services, promoting financial inclusion, and fostering a more progressive society. The National ID serves as a cornerstone of digital identity and is vital in supporting the government’s vision for inclusive growth and governance.
As the nation embraces the digital age, the PSA remains steadfast in its mission to empower Filipino citizens with secure identification and the tools they need to thrive in a digitally connected world.
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Chief Statistical Specialist