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PSO Conducts Two-Day National ID Frontline Services Training

Release Date:
Reference Number: 2025-PSA-ZDN-004
Reference Period:2025


PSO Conducts Two-Day National ID Frontline Services Training

The Provincial Statistical Office of Zamboanga del Norte conducted a two-day training on National ID Frontline Services on January 17-18, 2025, at the PSO's PhilSys Fixed Registration Center, A4M Bldg., Arellano Extension, Miputak, Dipolog City. The training was attended by six Registration Kit Operators (RKOs), six Registration Assistants, an Information Officer I, a Registration Officer II, an Admin Clerk, and PACD officer. The session was led by Registration Officer II Melody Tabigne.

The training initiative was essential for the team and proved to be successful. It enhanced personnel skills, rectified mistakes, and improved overall efficiency. Additionally, the team was equipped with knowledge of the new processes in frontline services.

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