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18 - 22 March 2024 – ZAMBOANGA CITY. The Philippine Statistics Authority – Regional Statistical Services Office (PSA-RSSO) IX conducted the 2nd Level Training and 3rd Level Training for Zamboanga City on 2023 Census of Philippine Business and Industry (CPBI) and 2023 Input-Output Survey of Philippine Business and Industry (IOSPBI) at LM Metro Hotel, Tetuan, this City.

Ms. Mewchun WS. Pamaran, Regional Director, officially opened the training with her welcome message. The training resource persons were Ms. Jenny Joy B. Montarde, Statistical Specialist II, PSA-Central Office-Economics Sectors Statistics Service (ESSS)-Statistical Standards Division (SSD) and Ms. Ana Camille F. Angelo, Statistical Analyst, PSA-Central Office- National Censuses Service (NCS)-Service and Industry Census Division (SICD).

The 2023 CPBI is conducted every five years to collect data on economic activity trends, structure and performance. Furthermore, this will serve as a benchmark for national, regional, and provincial growth measurement. The objective involves gathering data on establishments' employment, revenue, expenses, capital expenditures, and assets by industry and region, evaluating their performance, identifying micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSME), generating gender-disaggregated statistics, and providing updates in the Statistical Business Register for sample establishments.

Meanwhile, the 2023 IOSPBI is the 9th of the input-output survey series conducted by PSA. The collected data will be utilized to construct the 2023 Supply and Use Table (SUT) and Input-Output (I-O) Table, which will serve as benchmarks for the upcoming revision of the Philippine System of National Accounts (PSNA). The major data items to be collected in this survey includes the establishment name, tax identification number, and address, along with its economic activities and revenue, expense, and inventories by product for various businesses and industries nationwide.

In lieu with this, the PSA IX enjoins all sample business establishments to cooperate in the 2023 CPBI and 2023 IOSPBI by providing truthful information.

The 2023 CPBI and 2023 IOSPBI 2nd and 3rd Level Training was concluded by the closing message of OIC SOCD Chief Ma. Flerida E. Tan.


Philippine Statistics Authority IX Conducts the 2nd and 3rd Level Training for Zamboanga City on 2023 Census of Philippine Business and Industry (CPBI) and 2023 Input-Output Survey of Philippine Business and Industry (IOSPBI)

18 - 22 March 2024 – ZAMBOANGA CITY. The Philippine Statistics Authority – Regional Statistical Services Office (PSA-RSSO) IX conducted the 2nd Level Training and 3rd Level Training for Zamboanga…